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Biodiversity of Finca 6 site-museum

The plants and animals seen today in the area of Finca 6 Site Museum 6 are the product of natural regeneration taking place for over 10 years. Some sectors of the site are devoid of vegetation because of the archaeological research realized; notwithstanding, an important percentage of the area hasn’t been intervened and has constituted an early stages secondary forest, with the presence of species typical of areas of secondary growth and animals characteristic of this type of forest.

Almost 100 species of plants and ferns have been recorded in this small surface; among them stand out some iconic ones as the balsa tree (Ochroma pyramidale) and the platanilla or bijagua (Calathea lutea), both of ancestral use. There’s also less well-known species as the shrub Pentagonia tinajita, species reported only once in Costa Rica and Panama.

Throughout the year for the group of birds, almost 121 species can be observed, among which stand out the Pearl Kite Gampsonyx swainsonii (which is said is the smallest kite of America and among the smallest in the world) and the Common Potoo Nyctibius griseus, bird using trunks and vegetation as camouflage; for this reason it’s hard to notice by untrained eyes. Endemic birds may also be observed as Cherrie’s Tanager (Ramphocelus costaricensis) and Baird’s Trogon (Trogon bairdii).

Among the 18 species of wild mammals recorded perhaps with some luck you may watch the Tayra (Eira barbara) strolling peacefully by open areas or the Variegated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides) and very rarely the elusive Jaguarundi (Puma yaguaroundi).

At Finca 6 Site Museum 6 there are also 12 species of fungi and over twenty species of butterflies filling with colors this important place.


Biodiversity of El Silencio archaeological site

The Silencio Archaeological Site (where the largest recorded stone sphere is found to this moment in Costa Rica) has been subject to the development of forest plantations with the teak (Tectona grandis) and melina (Gmelina arborea) species for several decades, both exotic species in Costa Rica, used as timber. The forest plantations as well as the monocultures are characterized by little biological diversity. Besides they are subject to pest and weed control they’re not suitable for the establishment of diverse and abundant plants species, thus reducing the quantity and variety of other groups such as birds, mammals and insects.

Nevertheless, it’s possible to observe some species of birds and mammals in this type of artificial ecosystem using the plantations as temporary transit areas or as refuge; for example the Central American squirrel monkey Saimiri oerstedii. Among other mammals inhabiting the area is Seba’s short-tailed bat (Carollia perspicillata). In the same way the forest plantations allow the mobilization of some species of mammals and birds to more natural, adequate environments.


Biodiversity of Batambal archaeoligical site

Natural conditions in the Batambal Archaeological Site have been altered by human beings for many years. This site has virtually no natural vegetation cover currently; this drastically reduces the presence of other groups of species as birds, mammals and insects. It’s possible however to observe some common species of birds across the sky or perching on the scarce existing vegetation as well as mammals typical of altered areas as the Variegated Squirrel  (Sciurus variegatoides).


Biodiversity of Grijalba-2 archaeological site

The Grijalba-2 Archaeological Site currently presents a mosaic of environments both natural as artificial (generated by human beings). This is reflected on their biological composition. A sector of the site consists of what could be called a forest, because of the variety of plant species (typical of this ecosystem) as well as the presence of trees of considerable size (over 15 meters-high and 1 meter in the trunk diameter) as the Balsa Tree (Ochroma pyramidale), the Wild Cashew (Anacardium excelsum) and the Guacimo (Luehea seemannii). Under these trees there are different species of herbs, shrubs and palm trees complementing and contributing biological wealth to this site.

In the lower part of the forest it’s possible to observe birds as the Gray-necked Wood Rail (Aramides cajaneus) and the Scarlett Macaw perching on the canopy (Ara macao) and other relatives as parakeets and parrots; in the surroundings there are Rufous-tailed hummingbirds (Amazilia tzacatl) and the Wing-barred Seedeater (Sporophila corvina).

Some species of mammals have been reported in these forests, such as the Common Raccoon (Procyon lotor), the Common Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) and Seba’s short-tailed bat (Carollia perspicillata), very frequent in all of the area.

Next to the forest there is an area of melina plantation (Gmelina arborea), exotic species developed for timber. Other sector of the site is covered by plantain and banana plantations (Musa acuminata). These two environments contrast with the forest,  presenting dominance of very few plant species, thus less diversity and abundance of other groups as birds, mammals, and insects.



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