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Other Sites with Spheres


Finca 4 Archaeological Site

The Finca 4 site is part of the settlements developed on the alluvial plains of the Sierpe and Térraba rivers. It constitutes the largest, most complex site of the delta, reaching almost 180 hectares. The place features circular and rectangular mounds and walls of boulders, cemetery areas, gold objects and monumental statuary. Finca 4 reports the largest number of stone spheres for an archaeological site, forming groups associated to the structures, as well as geometric figures in open spaces or plazas. Outstanding is the presence of pottery from the Greater Nicoya and Central Panama.            


Finca 7 Archaeological Site

This settlement is located to the West of the alluvial plain, near the mangrove and the Térraba River; presents an occupation of around 3 hectares with deposits of ceramic and lithic materials associated to the period 800 – 1550 A.D. A rectangular structure was reported here seemingly associated to a stone sphere. Its location could be relevant for the capturing of resources or controlling the area, whereas, the presence of spheres and other sculptures would point out to its importance within the delta’s system of settlements. This archaeological site does not correspond to the site reported by Doris Stone as Finca 7 in the former nomenclature of the Banana Company, where 10 stone spheres were recorded.   


Isla del Caño Archaeological Site

The island is located in the Pacific Ocean, 26 Kilometers west of the Sierpe River’s mouth and its area is approximately 320 hectares. It was occupied since 1000 B.C., by communities who settled and practiced subsistence agriculture, profiting from marine resources. In later periods, besides the domestic occupation it is probable it was also used as the main cemetery. Two stone spheres and diverse materials brought from the inland have been found, indicating a strong nexus between both areas, as well as important navigation skills. The island was a main point for exchange activities with other regions in Costa Rica and Panama. 


Brishávcra Archaeological Site

It is found in the high part of Fila Grisera, from where there is an excellent view to the delta’s alluvial plain. Its extension is almost 10 hectares and has a group of artificial mounds with walls of boulders, pavements and cemeteries; several of these structures are associated to the stone spheres, petroglyphs and gatherings of ceramic materials. This site was occupied during the Chiriquí Period (800 – 1550 A.D.).


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