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Sitio Museo Finca 6


Finca 6

Finca 6 is the second archaeological site open to the public in Costa Rica, along with Guayabo. It’s one of few cases with conserved residential constructions having associated stone spheres. Some of the spheres present are in situ, meaning they have never been removed since their discovery.

It’s located in the community of Finca 6-11, in Palmar Sur of Osa, Puntarenas, on the Diquís delta. Lands extend over a vast plain formed by the confluence of rivers Sierpe and Grande de Térraba


Sitio Museo Finca 6




Finca 6 Archaeological Site 

Finca 6 archaeological site is located in the alluvial plain near to Estero Azul, within an agricultural farm of 20 hectares, of which 10 were dedicated to conservation of the most important architectural features.  

The area is characterized by high sedimentation, product of the encroachment of the coastal zone and mangroves, affecting the sedimentary deposits. Most of the structures are situated under a 1.5-meter layer of sediments, which permitted the cultural and architectural features to be very well preserved.

The site has five identified sectors:

  1. Alignments: 5 in situ aligned spheres
  2. Mounds : 2 base structures for pre-Columbian dwellings
  3. Punto 5: multiple fragments of sculptures and pottery
  4. Funerary traces: a rectangular mortuary grave
  5. Spheres in transit: over 20 spheres recovered by the National Museum of Costa Rica through court proceedings, seizures and returns.


Aligned spheres

The in situ spheres are located in what used to be a plaza used collectively. Two groups of aligned spheres are identified in this sector, oriented from east to west. The first group is of three spheres, extending over a 77-meters span. The second group is conformed by two spheres with a distance of 11 m between them. Both were arranged linearly by the original dwellers of the settlement, in pre-Columbian times.

The spheres have diameters going from 1.7 m to 1.9 m. They are half-buried due to sedimentation in the area; nevertheless, being large-size artifacts, it’s possible to observe a fragment of the piece protruding from the surface, known as crown. 


Symbolism of the Spheres | Objects of Power


The sector with aligned spheres is one of the most attractive spaces for tourists. During the months of April and August the group of three spheres aligns with the sun during the solar zenith. This phenomenon has been studied by foreign and Costa Rican archaeologists, including officials of the National Museum of Costa Rica.



In this sector there are two artificial circular elevations made with cobblestones and pounded earth, with diameters between 20 m - 30 m. The structures have retaining walls produced with oblong-shape boulders, placed in overlying tiers, with an average height of 1.4 m. They have trapezoid-shape access ramps, and retaining walls manufactured with  boulders.  Limestones were used on the inner side of the structure. One of the mounds has two spheres of 1.1 m of diameter, placed over the vertexes of the ramp.

The mounds present a semicircular spread as  a sort of gateway or vestibule. They also have an inverted orientation, so that one of the mounds looks towards the alignment of spheres while the other one toward Estero Azul, which is a  navigable branch of Sierpe river. 


Punto 5

This sector corresponds to a possible burial area altered by looting and farm activities performed during the occupation of banana farms in the region. It’s possible to observe archaeological findings in this area, mainly large quantity of ceramic fragments dispersed on the surface.


Funerary sector

Is conformed by a rectangular mound created with cobblestones and pounded earth, 7 meters-long and 2.3 meters-wide. The perimeter walls of the structure have 6 superimposed tiers of rocks, with a height of 60 cm. Cobblestones and sedimentary rocks and limestones were used in it. The inner side of the mound was paved. This sector is not enabled for visiting.


Recovered spheres

Is a space with 20 spheres recovered by the National Museum of Costa Rica, of unknown background because of the alteration of the archaeological sites where they were originally located. The purpose of this sector is educational and for heightened awareness of the archaeological heritage and the local culture.




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